Introduction of the Association
Hong Kong Surface Finishing Society (HKSFS)is formally known as Hong Kong Metal Finishing Society (HKMFS) which was established in 1974, and was renamed as HKSFS in June 2013.
The scope of services includes:1. Host technical seminars/courses,
2. Organize industry exchanges and study tours,
3. Publication of journals and technical publications,
4. Organize/co-organizing exhibitions,
5. Bronze statue maintenance and repair services,
6. Engineering/anti-corrosion technical services,
7. Surface finishing consultancy services
Content of the message
- 香港般咸道小學孫中山先生銅像復修項目
- 40 周年特刊 2014
- 鎂合金表面處理技術
- 粉漆噴塗上漆率
- X-射線光電子能譜儀
- 真正的表面分析儀器
- X-射線能譜儀素像
- 新一代節能開關式電鍍整流器技術
- 淺談塑膠電鍍行業的發展
- 液態等離子拋光、去毛剌在金屬表面處理中的應用
- 三維封裝:銅柱濕制程封裝技術的新挑戰 ...